At FOODITY, we are thrilled to announce the six innovators we have selected in our first open call: our FOODITY innovators. From Slovenia to Turkey, these ambitious, multidisciplinary teams will shape groundbreaking data-driven solutions for food and nutrition respectful of users’ personal data sovereignty with the support of our Pilot Development Programme, through which they will receive funding (up to €187K) and a wide range of value-added services to boost their success.
They were selected after a competitive and rigorous process involving the 104 applications that SMEs, research and technology organisations, social innovation actors and training institutions from more than 40 countries submitted to our Open Call #1, launched on 5 September 2023 and closed on 8 November 2023 — and thanks to our Evaluators’ help.
Want to know more about what their pilot projects are about? Read on!

The FOODITY innovators from Open Call #1
A Digital Diet Assistant for Cancer Patients and Caregivers
Based in 🇪🇸 Spain and formed by Bestiario and Fundació Alícia.
Mastering and Recognizing Key Elements of Food Choices to Monitor and Personalise Your Diet
Based in 🇸🇮 Slovenia and 🇲🇰 North Macedonia and formed by zerodays, the Jožef Stefan Institute and the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University – Skopje.
Empowering Citizens for Sustainable and Nutritional Food Choices
Based in 🇬🇷 Greece and formed by bSpoke Solutions and Poios Einai To Afentiko.
The Kitchen Adventure
The Kitchen Adventure – Fostering Behavior Change and Improving Healthy and Sustainable Nutrition Through a Digital App
Based in 🇭🇺 Hungary and 🇳🇱 The Netherlands and formed by Mayavi 3.0 Kft and Stichting IPA (Parents International).
Development of a Miniaturised Food Sensor Enhanced with Data-Driven Technology for Efficient Food Management
Based in 🇹🇷 Turkey and 🇧🇪 Belgium and formed by Strada Microsystems and the Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture Fisheries and Food – ILVO.
Multispectral Imaging Application for Food Safety and Quality Evaluation
Based in 🇬🇷 Greece and formed by Smart Agro Hub, the Agricultural University of Athens and Enosi katanaloton «i poiotita tis zois».
Congratulations to all the selected beneficiaries!
We are proud to welcome these impactful innovators into our FOODITY team and look forward to building a more sustainable, resilient, and data-sovereign food ecosystem together.
What’s Next? The FOODITY Pilot Development Programme
We will support our six FOODITY innovators through our Open Call #1 Pilot Development Programme. Our aim? To enable them to develop their innovative, data-driven solutions to empower citizens to make healthier food choices and create more sustainable food systems. All while putting the power of personal data use back into their hands.
During the next 12 months, the teams will receive funding of €900,000, which will cover Phase 1 of the Acceleration Programme. Three of them will receive an additional €30,000 to cover the Programme’s Phase 2.
They will also access a wide range of value-added services. From technology and technical support, tailor expert mentoring, group coaching, and training on relevant technical, business, and legal issues to scale their solutions.
Stay tuned as we follow their progress and witness the impact of their initiatives on shaping the future of food and nutrition!
For more updates and insights on the FOODITY innovators, visit our website, subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.